Dedicated to deliver timeless and uncomplicated apparel of the highest quality. We use only the finest materials and minimalistic aesthetics to create pieces that never go out of fashion.

Our DNA is all about simplicity, functionality and enduring design that transcends trends and seasons. We have had high expectations of ourselves from the very beginning, and will continue with this philosophy forever. Both when it comes to quality, fit, production, design, durability, comfort and price

We have a passion for fabric engineering and we constantly explore new ways to craft garments of unparalleled quality that will endure. Our philosophy revolves around the belief that true luxury lies in everyday essentials. Inspired by the elegance of nordic minimamilsm and urban streetwear, our designs embody refined simplicity that transcends fleeting frends. We adore the power of understated sophistication and comfort.

We believe that true fashion should not only have great looks, but also made to last. For us it’s about creating the best version of a simple wardrobe. Classic styles that we also want to wear again next year – and the year after that.

Timeless and uncomplicated, that’s what it is. bareen – Everyday luxury essentials